Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog 6: “Commentary on Classmates Blog”

The Austin Disposable Plastic Bag Ban has been making a lot of headlines here lately.   One of my classmate’s Maria Flores post from  March 29, 2013 on her blog that National Association of Convenient Stores (NACS) published an article on March 5, 2013.  In this article they are explaining this new policy to retailers, pharmacies and so forth about the plastic bag ban.
I myself approve of this plastic bag ban.  In my personal opinion Maria could have explained a little more in regards to this plastic bag ban, but still a good article to read.  Yes, it does not make any sense as to banning plastic bags if they are being replaced with thicker plastic bags.  Will these become a problem in the long run?  Are we having other issues as well with other plastics besides these smaller plastic bags?  Is it safe to reuse these bags if they are saying that bacteria is left behind if not properly washed before reusing them? 
These are some good points that Maria makes on her blog, but I have to say that everything we are doing to this earth is only going to affect our children and grandchildren.   I am for this plastic bag ban, and I am sure that sooner or later we get used to this ban and a year from now we will probably not even care about it. 
We need to be able to make changes that are good for us, even if it means giving up some things that we are so used to having.  This is good for our ozone and I am all for it.
Let’s Keep Texas Clean…..

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